Pixen 3.1 Beta Download For Mac

Pixen 4.1 Mac

Download Freeware Pixen 3.5.0 Beta. Pixen is an innovative graphics editor for the Mac. It's designed from top to bottom for pixel artists—people who make low-resolution raster art like the sprites you see in old video games. Pixen is a pixel art editor designed for working with low-resolution raster art, such as those 8-bit sprites found in old-school video games. With innovative features like a unique color palette.

Pixen 是 Mac 的創新圖形編輯器。像素藝術家自上而下地設計 - 像老式視頻遊戲中看到的精靈般製作低分辨率光柵藝術的人。但對於所有領域的藝術家來說都是非常棒的:Pixen 就像一個非常強大的 MSPaint 或者更簡單,更敏捷的 Photoshop。像素調色板系統,圖案和高變焦支持等創新功能,Pixen 將所有像素藝術家所需要的工具包裝在一個直觀的 Mac 原生界面中。 Pixen for Mac 也使得創造逐幀的動畫樂趣和 easy.
Pixen 特點:
在幻燈片視圖中創建和排列圖像幀拼湊在一起的動畫; 鉛筆,橡皮擦,滴管,縮放,矩形選擇,魔術棒,套索,移動,填充,線條,矩形和橢圓形等功能利用 Pixen 提供的各種工具組合像素藝術.
Color Palettes
Pixen 支持壓力感應繪圖平板電腦,並將壓力映射到顏色不透明度.
在 OS 上以全屏模式處理所有您喜歡的工具 X Lion.
注意:Pixen 現在是 Mac App Store 中的付費應用程序。需要 64 位處理器.

檔案版本Pixen 4.1
系統Mac OS X
作者Matt Rajca

What's new in this version:

Pixen 4.1
- Added a new Dark appearance that can be unlocked via in-app purchase (and also help support the project)
- Some tools are now up to 10x faster when working with larger images
- Fixed an issue where the Text tool would stop working on animation documents
Pixen 4.0.11
- Pixen is now also available for iPad
- Palettes are now saved in a new, more future-proof file format
- GIMP palettes can now be imported
Pixen 4.0.10
- Fixes a bug where older animation documents would not load
- Fixes a bug where the Magic Wand tool would select incorrect pixels
Pixen 4.0.9
- Certain color palettes now load faster and are more accurate
Pixen 4.0.8
- The Text and Move tools are now more reliable
Pixen 4.0.6
- The background color of the Preview window can now be changed
- The color is persisted per-document
- Fixed an issue where exported animated GIFs would not loop
Pixen 4.0.5
- Improved animated GIF imports
Pixen 4.0.4
- Various stability improvements when using the Text tool and importing files
Pixen 4.0.3
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements
Pixen 4.0.2
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements
Pixen 4.0.1
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements
Pixen 4.0
- The Background picker has been re-designed
- A 'Share' command has been added to the File menu and can be used to quickly share images as PNGs and animations as animated GIFs
- A new Brightness tool has been added for lightening and darkening pixels underneath the cursor
- A new Text tool has been added
- Pressure-sensitive drawing is now supported on Force Touch trackpads
- Blend modes can be set for layers by right-clicking them in the Layers pane
- Pixen Image (PXI) and Pixen Animation (PXA) file formats are now more space-efficient
- Note: PXI and PXA files saved in Pixen 4 cannot be edited in previous releases of Pixen
- Animation documents now show a unified color palette or a per-canvas color palette
- A 'New Layer from Image' command has been added to the Layers menu (you can also drag-and-drop an image into the Layers list)
- A 'Flatten Image' command has been added to the Layers menu
- A 'Stroke Selection' command has been added to the Edit menu for quick framing/outlining
- Opacity percentages in the Layers list can now be double-clicked and edited
- Patterns can be exported from the Pattern Editor by right-clicking a pattern and selecting the new 'Export...' command
- The left [ and right ] square bracket keys can now be used to change the line thickness, tolerance, or border width of the respective tools
- Pixen can now open and save files in the LEGO MINDSTORMS Graphics Format (RGF)
- A new Posterize filter has been added that snaps each pixel value to the closest color in a palette
- Images can now be reduced to their top N primary colors using the Reduce to Primary Colors filter
- The padding, frame spacing, row spacing, and maximum number of frames per row can now be customized in the Export Sprite Sheet window
- Images can now be exported at multiple resolutions/file types using the revamped 'Export' command under the File menu
- The most recent file name and types used for export are now saved in PXI/PXA files
- Images can now be exported as SVGs
- Pixen now directly integrates with iCloud Drive
- Document colors can now be sorted by frequency or hue
- A preference for choosing the top or bottom left as the origin has been added
- A preference for changing the preferred drawing cursor has been added
- The color of the Alignment Crosshair can now be changed in the Preferences window
- Patterns can now be shared with system sharing services from the context menu in the Pattern Editor
- New filters for changing the hue, exposure, saturation, contrast, and brightness of a layer or selection have been added
- A new Remove Alpha Components filter has been added
- The new 'Convert Pixen Image' Automator action can be used to convert batches of images from the PXI format to other image formats
- Palette panels can now be shown with the 'Show New Palette Panel' command in the 'Palette' menu
Pixen 3.8.1
- Bug fixes
Pixen 3.8
- Tile Mode is back!
-- Click the Gear icon in the Preview panel to enable Tile Mode
-- Use the panel's Zoom button to size the panel to wrap the preview
- Added an option in Grid Settings for displaying an isometric grid
- The Pixen Color Picker now includes an 8-bit color palette
- The new Animation Settings sheet (found under the Animation menu) can be used to set whether animated GIFs should loop
- Refreshed the Export Sprite Sheet window's UI
- Updated the Discover Pixen tutorial
- Improved the color accuracy of exported animated GIFs
- Animated GIFs with frames of different sizes can now be exported
- The last-used tool is now selected on launch
- The keyboard shortcuts for the Invert Selection, Resize Canvas, Scale Image, Zoom to Fit, Zoom to 100%, Delete Layer, Merge Down menu items have changed to better match other editors
- Fixed a rare crash that would occur in the Export Sprite Sheet window
- Up-scaled animation frames are no longer anti-aliased in the film strip
- Improved the accuracy of the Frequent Colors palette
- Importing backgrounds is now more reliable
- Minor UI and stability improvements
Pixen 3.7
- Refreshed interface for OS X Yosemite
- Animated PNGs can now be imported as animations
- Added two filters: 'Invert Colors' and '1 bit'
Pixen 3.6
- Advanced custom backgrounds support
- Color palette with 'smart' swapping capabilities
- Grid customization
- Tiled editing mode
- Alignment crosshair
- Full alpha support
- Advanced layer functionality
- A plethora of tools
- 100% Cocoa with a beautiful Aqua interface
- A design geared towards modern pixel art
Pixen 3.5.19
- Stability improvements
Pixen 3.5.18
- Performance improvements
Pixen 3.5.17
- Use multi-touch pinch gestures to zoom the canvas in and out
- Scale factors can now be decimal numbers in the Scale Canvas sheet
Pixen 3.5.16
- Changes to colors in the frequency palette now update continuously
- Improved color accuracy

Free to Try
$9.99 to buy
2.6 MB
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With innovative features like a color palette system, patterns, and high-zoom support, Pixen packs all the tools pixel artists need in an intuitive, Mac-native interface. Pixen also makes creating frame-by-frame animations fun and easy.


Create and arrange image frames in the filmstrip view to piece together animations; export animations as animated GIFs or even spritesheets.


Leverage Pixen's wide array of tools when composing pixel art: Pencil, Eraser, Eyedropper, Zoom, Rectangular Selection, Magic Wand, Lasso, Move, Fill, Line, Rectangle, and Ellipse.


Take advantage of the flexibility layers provide when working with complex pixel art.

Color Palettes

Add and organize commonly-used colors into palettes.


Define custom patterns to use while drawing with the pencil, line, or eraser tool (instead of a single pixel).

Custom Backgrounds

Pick a flat, striped or checkered background (or even a custom image) to be drawn beneath the canvas.

Grid + Alignment Crosshair

Let the grid and the alignment crosshair guide you in placing pixels just where you want them.


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While editing at high zoom levels, use the Preview window to view the canvas scaled out; play back animations in the Preview window.

Left and Right Tools

Assign a different tool to the left and right mouse button. For example: pencil on the left; eraser on the right.

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Tablet Support

Pixen supports pressure-sensitive drawing tablets and maps pressure to color opacity.


Customize tool hotkeys to ease the transition from other image editors.

Full Screen

Work with all your favorite tools in full screen mode on OS X Lion.

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What's New:

  • Changes to colors in the frequency palette now update continuously
  • Improved color accuracy

Pixen 3.1 Beta Download For Mac

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